Sibiu: CIDOC 2011 - Knowledge management and museums


4-9 September 2011 - Linked Heritage presentations in events organised by other institutions

The theme of the 2011 conference is “Knowledge management and museums”. Knowledge management lies at the very heart of CIDOC's concerns since recording and transmitting knowledge about collections and their history is the ultimate objective of all museum documentation.

Program details and abstracts are available at the conference site:

Linked Heritage partners presentations are included in the programme:

Coorganisation of the Workshop, “Linked data for cultural heritage”, by Regine Stein (Unimar).

Linked Data is currently one of the hot topics in the area of “Knowledge management and museums”, ad is often mentioned in many conference talks and papers on the future prospects for access to cultural heritage. This workshop offered an introductory tutorial on Linked Data for the cultural heritage sector. It covered techniques for publishing and consuming Linked Data, requirements for cultural Linked Data, and actual Linked Data developments in the cultural heritage area.

Organisation of Workshop III, “LIDO: a practical introduction”, by Regine Stein (Unimar).
This workshop offered a methodical introduction to the LIDO format and presented practical mapping exercises to the LIDO format.

Presentation on “Linked Data: Some preliminary results of the Linked Heritage Project, by Regine Stein (Unimar) and Gordon McKenna (Collections Trust)

Participants: cultural institutions professionals and academics